CHESS Lab for Conservation
John E. Quinn at Furman University
Past Students
Nathen Ofotokun, HSC 2022-2023,
Ryan Adams, BIO 2022-2023,
Davis Dear, BIO 2022-2023,
Sage Devore, CS 2022-2023,
TC Euster, BIO - 2022-2023,
Austin Feigenbaum, BIO - 2022-2023
Erin Vaughn, BIO - 2023-2023,
Katie Buckley, BIO - 2022-2023,
Clair Deure, BIO - 2022-2023,
Lauren Eberth, BIO - 2022-2023,
Bryce Delacorte, BIO - 2021-2022,
Katie Irsak, EESS - 2021-2022,
Kelly Black, EESS - 2021-2022,
Gracie Bartell, EESS - 2021-2022, USDA SARE
Chole Sandifer-Stech, EESS - 2021-2022, (with K Allen, EESS)
Emily Gardella, EESS - 2021-2022,
Savannah Steet, EESS - 2021-2022,
Amanda Cordle, BIO – 2021 , 2022
Austin Kirkbaum, BIO - 2021-2022,
Patrick Flagler, EESS - 2021-2022,
Austin Jones, EESS - 2021-2022,
Annie Schulz, EESS - 2021-2022,
Caroline Vickery, EESS - 2021-2022,
Holly Brown, HSC, 2021, Furman Advantage (with C. Quinn)
Ian McPherson, Biology - 2021-2022, Furman Advantage
Isabelle Barnes, Biology - 2021-2022, Furman Advantage
Jake Gerardi, Biology - Furman University Undergraduate Thesis, 2021-2022, Furman Advantage
Kylie Gambrill*, Anthropology and EES, Furman Humanities Center (with K. Allen and C. Palladino)
Marchant Harris, EES - Furman University Undergraduate Thesis, 2021-2022, Furman Advantage
Sydney McManus, BIO - Furman University Undergraduate Thesis, 2021-2022, Furman Advantage
Will Wagner, BIO - Furman University Undergraduate Thesis, 2021-2022, Furman Advantage
Adare Taylor*, EES - 2021, Shi Center Fellow
Calleigh Brignull, BIO - Furman University Undergraduate Thesis, 2020-2021, Furman Advantage
Emilia Hyland, EES - Furman University Undergraduate Thesis, 2020-2021, Furman Advantage
John Patrick, EES - Furman University Undergraduate Thesis, 2020-2021, Furman Advantage
Mary Grace Albright*- Math - 2020-2021, Furman Advantage
Miriam Megdal, EES - 2020, 2022 Shi Center Fellow
Sophie Kline Schaffer - ICP focused on Science and Art, 2020-2021, Furman Advantage
John Patrick, EES - Furman University Undergraduate Thesis, 2019-2020, Furman Advantage
Emma Grace Homockey, EES - Furman University, Shi Center Fellowship 2019-2020, Furman Advantage
Jacob Gerber, BIO - 2019-2020, Furman Advantage
Julia Clements, BIO - Furman University Undergraduate Thesis, 2019-2020, Furman Advantage
Amelia Miles, SUS - Furman University Post-Bac research, 2019-2020
Marley McDonough - INBRE Science teacher research experience, 2019
Riley Caldwell, BIO - Furman University Undergraduate Thesis, 2019-2020, Furman Advantage
Madeline Rock, EES - Furman University Undergraduate Thesis, 2018-2019, Furman Advantage
Jacob Gerber - Furman University Biology (20)
Julia Clements - Furman University Biology (20)
Madeline Rock - Furman University EES (19)
Jake Batchelor - Furman University EES (19)
Jared Kohrt - Furman University Biology (21)
Dakota Howard - Furman University Biology and CS (19)
Emma Cook - Furman University Biology and SUS (18)
Hagan Capnerhurst - FU SUS (17)
Hagan is now a graduate student at the University of Michigan
Anna Markey - FU Biology (17)
Alec Schindler - FU Biology (17)
Melanie Brown - FU SUS (17)
Melanie is data scientist
Elizabeth Burke - FU SUS (17)
Dainee Gibson - FU Biology and SUS (16)
Thomas Hart - FU Biology (16)
Thomas is now a graduate student at SUNY
Leigh Robertson - FU EES (16)
Jessie Barnett - FU EES (16)
Administrator at Parkland Memorial Hospital
Jesse Wood - FU Biology (12-14)
Jesse was a graduate student at Clemson University and is now the director of a local conservation land trust
Jenny Warnken - FU Biology and Sustainability Sci. (15)
Katie Murray - FU Biology (15)
Katie is now a graduate student at Yale University
Kera Belcher - Furman University Biology (14)
Kera is now a vet student at UNC
Ryan Ernstes - Furman University Biology (13-14)
Josh Smith - Furman University (13)
Jordan Giese (UNL 12-13)
Jordan is now a PhD student at Iowa State University
Amy Oden - UNL (13)
Amy is now an environmental consultant