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Vision and Mission

Identify science based conservation solutions for managed ecosysems

Current Research
  • Leveraging machine learning to better understand biodiversity patterns measured through passive acoustic sampling

  • Scope 1 and 2 Biodiversity Sampling and Reporting

  • Forest Sustainability 

    • Vickery, C. Quinn, J.E. 2024. Forest, Climate, and Policy Literature lacks acknowledgement of environmental justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion. Journal of Environmental Management. 358:  ​


Recent Research
  • Spatial modeling of biodiversity and ecosystem services with InVEST 
    • Ortel et al  2024. Linked spatial and temporal success of urban growth boundaries to preserve ecosystem services. Landscape and Urban Planning. 250,  ​

    • Vickery, C, and Quinn, J.E. 2023. Climate-altered Precipitation is more Important than Land Use when Modeling Ecosystem Services Associated with Surficial Processes. Environmental Management. 72(6):1216-1227

  • Historical maps for conservation planning
    • Gambrill, K., Palladino, C., Allen, K.E., Homoky, E.G., Quinn, J.E. 2023. Southern Spatial Stories: Interdisciplinary perceptions of shifting spatial awareness and values. Landscape Ecology.

  • Soundscapes indices ​​
    • Quinn, J.E, Pederson, C., Vickery, C., Hyland, E., and Eckberg, J.O. 2024. Acoustic indices are responsive to local-scale but not landscape-scale agricultural land use. Ecological Indicators Volume 160: 111868.

    • Hyland, E., Schultz, A., Quinn, J.E. 2023. Quantifying the Soundscape: How Filters Change Acoustic Indices. Ecological Indicators. 148.

    • Barnes, I., and Quinn, J.E. 2023. Passive Acoustic Sampling Enhances Traditional Herpetofauna Sampling Techniques in Urban Environments. Sensors.  23(23), 9322;




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