CHESS Lab for Conservation
John E. Quinn at Furman University
Quinn, J.E, Pederson, C., Vickery, C., Hyland, E., and Eckberg, J.O. 2024. Acoustic indices are responsive to local-scale but not landscape-scale agricultural land use. Ecological Indicators. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2024.111868.
Rydhmer, K., Eckberg, J.O., Lundgren, J.G., Jansson, S, Still, L., Quinn J.E., Washington, R. Lemmich, J., Nikolajsen, T., Sheller, N., Michels, A.M., Bredeson M. M., Rosenzweig, S.T., Bick, E.N. (2024) Automating an insect biodiversity metric using distributed optical sensors: an evaluation across Kansas, USA cropping systems eLife 13:RP92227 https://doi.org/10.7554/eLife.92227.1
Gambrill, K., Palladino, C., Allen, K.E., Homoky, E.G., Quinn, J.E. 2023. Southern Spatial Stories: Interdisciplinary perceptions of shifting spatial awareness and values. Landscape Ecology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10980-023-01625-x
Hyland, E., Schultz, A., Quinn, J.E. 2023. Quantifying the Soundscape: How Filters Change Acoustic Indices. Ecological Indicators. 148. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2023.110061
Barnes, I., and Quinn, J.E. 2023. Passive Acoustic Sampling Enhances Traditional Herpetofauna Sampling Techniques in Urban Environments. Sensors. 23(23), 9322; https://doi.org/10.3390/s23239322
Vickery, C, and Quinn, J.E. 2023. Climate-altered Precipitation is more Important than Land Use when Modeling Ecosystem Services Associated with Surficial Processes. Environmental Management. 72(6):1216-1227 https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-023-01861-6
Hyland, E., Quinn, J.E. 2023. Conservation spillover effect of UNESCO World Heritage Sites into surrounding landscapes. https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.15858
Albright, M.G., C. Vickery, R. Bower, Quinn, J.E. 2023. Patterns of land use change, land governance, and the supply of ecosystem services in a multifunctional landscape: A case study from Upstate SC, USA. Journal of Land Use Science.18(1): https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1747423X.2023.2234903
Miles, A. Quinn, J.E. Cohen, M. 2023. Missing Goals Yet Tangible Indicators within Sustainability Assessment Literature: The Need to Align Planning and Monitoring in Urban Sustainability. Cities and the Environment (CATE). 16:1. https://doi.org/ 10.15365/cate.2023.160102. Data available at https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/SZQXSO
Quinn, J.E. Speitz, M., Carmenates, O., Burtner, M. 2023. Ecoacoustics: Disciplinary Norms and Blurred Boundaries of Sound. In Sounds, Ecologies, Musics. Edited by Allen, A and Titon, J., Oxford University Press
Quinn, J.E. Ellis, E.C. 2023. Anthromes. In: C. Wulf, N. Wallenhorst. Handbook of the Anthropocene. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-25910-4_32
Quinn, J.E. 2022. Bird versus Bulldozer A Quarter-Century Conservation Battle in a Biodiversity Hotspot. Ornithological Applications. https://doi.org/10.1093/ornithapp/duac001
Ellis, E.C., Quinn, J.E. 2022. Anthromes: Pathways to understanding global and regional sustainability transformations. EBSCO
Quinn, J.E. L. Blake, S. K. Schaffer, E. Hyland, A.R. Schindler. 2021. Loss of Winter Wonderland: Proximity to different road types has variable effects on winter soundscapes. Landscape Ecology. 37:381–391. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10980-021-01364-x
Quinn, J.E., Cook, E. Gauthier, N. 2021. Patterns of vertebrate richness across global anthromes: prioritizing conservation beyond biomes and ecoregions. Global Ecology and Conservation. 27:e01591 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2021.e01591
Ordway et al. 2021. Leveraging the NEON Airborne Observation Platform for socio-environmental systems research. Ecosphere. https://doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.3640
Schindler, A.R., Gerber, J.E. and Quinn, J.E., 2020. An ecoacoustic approach to understand the effects of human sound on soundscapes and avian communication. Biodiversity, pp.1-13.
Gerber, J.E., Howard, D. and Quinn, J.E., 2020. Soundscape shifts during the 2017 total solar eclipse: an application of dispersed automated recording units to study ephemeral acoustic events. Biodiversity, pp.1-7.
Elmore, J.A., Hager, S.B., Cosentino, B.J., O'Connell, T.J., Riding, C.S., Anderson, M.L., Bakermans, M.H., Boves, T.J., Brandes, D., Butler, E.M. Butler, M.W., et al., 2020. Correlates of bird collisions with buildings across three North American countries. Conservation Biology.
Oden, A.I., Brandle, J.R., Burbach, M.E., Brown, M.B., Gerber, J.E. and Quinn, J.E., 2019. Soundscapes and Anthromes: A Review of Proximate Effects of Traffic Noise on Avian Vocalization and Communication. Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-409548-9.11999-2
Holt, E., Q. Lombard, N. Best, S. Smiley-Smith, J.E. Quinn. 2019. Active vs. passive green-space use and measures of well-being among university students. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 16(3), 424 https://doi.org/10.3390 /ijerph16030424
Cohen, M., Quinn, J.E. Marshall, D., Sharp, T. 2019. Sustainability assessment of a community open space vision. Sustainability Science. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11625-019-00659-y
Allen K.E., C.E. Quinn, C. English, J.E. Quinn. 2018. Relational values in agroecosystem governance. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cosust.2018.10.026
Brown, M, Quinn, J.E. 2018. Zoning does not improve the availability of ecosystem services in urban watersheds. A case study from the Upstate of South Carolina USA. Ecosystem Services. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoser.2018.04.009
Quinn, J.E. A.J. Markey, D. Howard, S, Crummett, A. Schindler. 2018.Intersections of soundscapes and conservation: Ecologies of sound in naturecultures. MUSICultures.
Hager. S.B. et al. 2017. Continent-wide analysis of how urbanization affects bird-window collision mortality in North America. Biological Conservation. 212(A):209–215
Gibson, D.M., Quinn, J.E. 2017 Application of anthromes to frame scenario planning for landscape-scale conservation decision making. Land. 6(2): 33
Quinn, J.E., and J.M. Wood. 2017. Application of a coupled human natural system framework to organize and frame challenges and opportunities for biodiversity conservation on private lands. Ecology and Society 22(1):39.
Quinn, J.E. et al. 2016. Combining habitat loss and agricultural intensification improves our understanding of drivers of change in avian abundance in a North American cropland anthrome. Ecology and Evolution 7(3): 803–814.
Wood, J., Quinn, J.E. 2016. Local and landscape metrics identify opportunities for conserving cavity-nesting birds in a rapidly urbanizing ecoregion. Journal of Urban Ecology. 2(1): juw003. doi: 10.1093/jue/juw003
Ernstes, R., Quinn, J.E. 2016. Variation in Bird Vocalizations across a Gradient of Traffic Noise as a Measure of an Altered Urban Soundscape. Cities and the Environment. 8(1):7
Andersen, C.B., Donovan, R.K., Quinn, J.E. 2015. Human Appropriation of Net Primary Production (HANPP) in an agriculturally-dominated watershed, southeastern USA. Land. 4(2), 513-540; doi:10.3390/land4020513
Quinn, C., Quinn, J.E., Halfacre, A., 2015. Digging Deeper: A Case Study of Farmer Conceptualization of Ecosystem Services in the American South. Environmental Management. doi: 10.1007/s00267-015-0534-9
Oden, A., J. Brandle, M. Burbach, M.B. Brown, J.E. Quinn. 2015. Variation in avian vocalizations during the non-breeding season in response to traffic noise. Ethology 121(5): 472-479. doi: 10.1111/eth.12360
Thorn, H., Quinn, J.E., Roark, A. 2015. Reproductive and developmental effects of tributyltin, bisphenol A, and 17 β-estradiol in pale anemones (Aiptasia pallida). Endocrine Disruptors. 3(1). doi: 10.1080/23273747.2015.1030062
Quinn, J.E., J. Brandle, R. Johnson. 2014. Identifying opportunities for conservation embedded in cropland anthromes. Landscape Ecology. 29(10):1811-1819.
Martin, L. J. J.E. Quinn, E. C. Ellis, M. R. Shaw, M. Dorning, C. E. Kraft, L. Hallett, N. E. Heller, R. J. Hobbs, E. Law, N. Michel, M. Perring, P. D. Shirey, R. Wiederholt. 2014. Conservation opportunities across the world’s anthromes. Diversity and Distributions. 20:745-755.
Quinn, J.E., A. Oden, and J. R. Brandle. 2014. Occupancy estimation on winter grounds: integrating process-observation occupancy models with automated acoustic sampling. BOU Proceedings – Avian Demography in a Changing World
Quinn, J.E., A. Oden, and J. R. Brandle. 2013. The Influence of Different Cover Types on American Robin Nest Success in Organic Agroecosystems. Sustainability 5.8: 3502-3512.
Quinn, J.E., J. Brandle, and R. Johnson. 2013. A farm-scale biodiversity and ecosystem service assessment tool: The Healthy Farm Index. International Journal of Sustainable Agriculture (IJSA) 11(2):176-192.
Quinn, J.E. 2013. A shared vision for biodiversity conservation and agriculture. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. 28:93-96.
Quinn, J.E., J. Brandle, and R. Johnson. 2012. The effects of land sparing and wildlife-friendly practices on grassland bird abundance within organic farmland. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment.161:10-16.
Quinn, J.E., J. Brandle, R. Johnson, and A. Tyre. 2011. Accounting for detectability in the use and application of indicator species: A case study with birds. Ecological Indicators. 11:1413-1418.
Johnson, R.J., Jedlicka, J.A., Quinn, J.E., Brandle, J.R. 2011. Global perspectives on birds in agricultural landscapes. Pages 55-140 in: Campbell WB, Ortiz SL (editors) Issues in agroecology; present status and future prospectus, volume 1, Integrating Agriculture, Conservation and Ecotourism: Examples from the Field. Springer (Abstract and figures)
Quinn, J.E., J.R. Brandle, and R.J. Johnson. 2009. Development of a Healthy Farm Index to assess ecological, economic, and social function on organic and sustainable farms in Nebraska’s four agroecoregions. Pages 156-170 In: Franzluebbers, A.J., ed. 2009. Farming with Grass: Achieving Sustainable Mixed Agricultural Landscapes. Ankeny, IA: Soil and Water Conservation Society.
Quinn, C., and J.E. Quinn. 2009. “The Great Patagonia Land Grab: A Case Study on International Biodiversity, Conservation and Environmental Politics”. National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science, State University of New York at Buffalo.
Quinn, J.E., and K.M. Tolson. 2009. Proximate Mechanisms of Parasite Egg Rejection by the Northern Mockingbird. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 12:180-183. (Louisiana Assoc.of Professional Biologist’s Best Paper 2009)